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"Many are called, but few are chosen."

It is a great honor to be in the presence of greatness, class, and a man with a vision. This is exactly who God created Bobby E. Stapleton Jr. to be.  He was Chosen to lead this flock of outcasts, downtrodden, and the ones other churches left behind.  Jesus didn't go to the Synagogues to save lost souls. He went to the broken, the thieves, the murderers.  That alone makes our Shepherd one of the greatest this side of heaven.  Pastor Stapleton is the Senior Pastor and founder of Rehoboth International Ministries. His job is to follow the footsteps of Jesus and do whatever God commands him to do.


At 24, Pastor Stapleton founded Rehoboth International Ministries.  He earned his Bachelor’s degree in Pastoral Studies at Wesley College in Florence, MS. He then went on to pursue his Master’s in Business. After receiving his Master’s, he received a Masters in Theology and is currently working on his Doctorate in Theology.


He delivered his first message at age 19 on September 28, 2004 and  has been spreading the word ever since. He was a long time member, minister, and director of music at the True Vine M.B. Church under the leadership of Charles Randall. He was there for about 11 years before  branching out to start his own ministry called Rehoboth. The Ministry started with 10 members and is still growing tremendously. Rehoboth has outgrown two buildings and is now in search of a building that will fit the needs of the ministry. He specializes in reaching the lost and compelling people to come to Christ.


Pastor Stapleton has preached all over the State of MS and surrounding areas. His message is still the same as when he accepted the calling to preach the gospel: that Jesus saves, heals, and delivers.  He is often transparent with the people he is speaking to. He tells them that God has delivered him and he can do the same for them. He tells about his mistakes and his falling short of the Glory of God. He also tells people that he is not perfect, but he strives to be faithful. One of his favorite scriptures is "No Weapon formed against me shall prosper". Our pastor strives after God's own heart, and continues to do the same for his flock.


He is the husband of Shirley K. Stapleton and father of three beautiful girls: Shekinah, Nisya, and Aubree. 



"Many are called, but few are chosen."

It is a great honor to be in the presence of greatness, class, and a man with a vision. This is exactly who God created Bobby E. Stapleton Jr. to be.  He was Chosen to lead this flock of outcasts, downtrodden, and the ones other churches left behind.  Jesus didn't go to the Synagogues to save lost souls. He went to the broken, the thieves, the murderers.  That alone makes our Shepherd one of the greatest this side of heaven.  Pastor Stapleton is the Senior Pastor and founder of Rehoboth International Ministries. His job is to follow the footsteps of Jesus and do whatever God commands him to do.


At 24, Pastor Stapleton founded Rehoboth International Ministries.  He earned his Bachelor’s degree in Pastoral Studies at Wesley College in Florence, MS. He then went on to pursue his Master’s in Business. After receiving his Master’s, he received a Masters in Theology and is currently working on his Doctorate in Theology.


He delivered his first message at age 19 on September 28, 2004 and  has been spreading the word ever since. He was a long time member, minister, and director of music at the True Vine M.B. Church under the leadership of Charles Randall. He was there for about 11 years before  branching out to start his own ministry called Rehoboth. The Ministry started with 10 members and is still growing tremendously. Rehoboth has outgrown two buildings and is now in search of a building that will fit the needs of the ministry. He specializes in reaching the lost and compelling people to come to Christ.


Pastor Stapleton has preached all over the State of MS and surrounding areas. His message is still the same as when he accepted the calling to preach the gospel: that Jesus saves, heals, and delivers.  He is often transparent with the people he is speaking to. He tells them that God has delivered him and he can do the same for them. He tells about his mistakes and his falling short of the Glory of God. He also tells people that he is not perfect, but he strives to be faithful. One of his favorite scriptures is "No Weapon formed against me shall prosper". Our pastor strives after God's own heart, and continues to do the same for his flock.


He is the husband of Shirley K. Stapleton and father of three daughters (Shekinah, Nisya, and Aubree) and one son (Bobby III).



Lady Shirley K. Stapleton was born and raised in Jackson, MS where she studied Dance at Power APAC performing arts school for 8 years. While in attendance at Power, she studied ballet, modern, and jazz dance. 


Lady Stapleton started her own dance company under the name iDance Ministries, now called iDance Academi. She also served as the Dance Coordinator for 16 years at one of the largest Black churches in Jackson. 


From there, she graduated from Holmes Community College with an associates degree in Mortuary Science and married the love of her life, Apostle Bobby E. Stapleton, Jr. of Rehoboth International Ministries. We can't leave out how she gained a baby boy and 3 bonus girls that bring her so much joy!


Rehoboth is blessed to have Lady Stapleton not only as First Lady, but also as head of the Dance Ministry. She is more than a dancer. She is a bonus mom, leader, mentor, boutique owner, author, choreographer, director, and producer. 

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